Tech Careers
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Get real work experience and attract top recruiters without prior employment

Experience the Future

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the future of career development and work experience with Talenvo.

How Talenvo Works

Take an Assessment

Take an assessment to identify your current competency level and get access to challenges suited for your level, with professionals on the same tier as you. Assessments unlock challenges. If you don’t succeed on your first try, identify and work on areas for improvement, then try again after 7 days.

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Join a challenge

Once you’ve passed your assessment, join a team to work on a project- challenge. Learn, share ideas and have fun while collaborating with colleagues on immersive challenges, and get the skills required to thrive in the workplace.

Earn coins and level up your talent profile

When you participate in challenges, you earn coins that reflect on your profile. The more coins you earn, the more your portfolio grows. Track your progress and showcase your achievements to your network and prospective employers.

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Get discovered by top companies

As you earn coins, your talent profile becomes a magnet for potential job opportunities and collaborations. Our partners are on the lookout for exceptional tech talent. Gain visibility by working on challenges and attract the attention of leading companies in the industry.

Why Talenvo?

Our platform is home to skilled entry-level tech professionals who are building exceptional portfolios through collaborative challenges to stand out in the competitive market.

Get the experience you need for your next role

60% of entry-level roles require 3 years of experience, which means you need experience to get experience. Beat the odds with Talenvo by participating in challenges where you hone your skills and gain hands-on experience with real industry scenarios before your next job.

Explore skill sets outside your current work experience

Do you want to branch out of your current expertise? Talenvo allows you to gain experience with other skills you’re interested in once you are successful with the assessments. Expand your opportunities and boost your career by diversifying your skill set.

Personalised feedback from industry experts

Find out how your project will fare in the workplace. Access tailored feedback and expert advice you’d get from a team lead, from our team of industry veterans from top companies.

Grow your career with a solid community

Struggling to make progress on your own? Find talented professionals with the same goals. Connect and collaborate with skilled talent from across Africa, expand your professional network and curate your community.

Become visible to top recruiters

Talenvo puts you in front of leading companies by helping you build an impressive portfolio which will be visible to top recruiters on and off the platform, increasing your chances of securing a role without endless applications.

Who is Talenvo for?

React LogoReactjs
Nodejs LogoNodejs
Vuejs LogoVuejs
product management depictionProduct Management
UX depictionProduct Design
QA DepictionQuality Assurance Tester
Coming Soon
Flutter LogoFlutter
js LogoJavaScript
c# LogoC#
Angular LogoAngular
AWS LogoDevops (AWS)
azure LogoDevops (Azure)
Kotlin LogoKotlin
django LogoPython Django


Get the experience employers want, without a formal job. You bring the skill, we give you experience.

Secure Your Spot Now

Join our waitlist today for early access to the Talenvo platform. Together, let's revolutionize tech education and empower the next generation of African tech leaders.

Frequently Asked Questions

Join our waitlist today for early access to the Talenvo platform. Together, let‘s revolutionize tech education and empower the next generation of African tech leaders.

Our work experience platform offers numerous benefits for your career growth. By participating in real-world challenges, you can gain practical skills, expand your professional network, and enhance your resume. Employers value candidates with hands-on experience, and our platform provides you with opportunities to showcase your talent and stand out in the job market.
To participate in the challenges, you can browse through the available challenges on Talenvo, select the ones that interest you, and apply to join the challenge teams.
The required skills for each challenge may vary, so make sure to check the challenge details to see the specific skills and experience required. However, there are challenges for developers, designers, product managers, and QA professionals.
After completing a challenge, you will earn points based on your performance. These points can be accumulated to earn badges that showcase your achievements on your public profile. This can help you stand out to potential employers and highlight your skills and expertise.
While the primary benefit of completing challenges is gaining valuable work experience and earning badges, some challenges may offer additional rewards or recognition. These rewards could include access to exclusive job opportunities, mentorship opportunities, or invitations to networking events.
When you join an available team within a challenge, our platform takes charge, automatically notifying other team members. Once the team is complete, the collaborative journey begins.

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microsoftTalenvo - Level up your tech career with real-world project experience | Product Hunt